Good evening!

Special trains to Freiburg

Last away trip of the season:

Tue, 03. May 2022
Special trains to Freiburg

1. FC Union Berlin head to Freiburg on Saturday May 7 for the penultimate Bundesliga match of the season.

A special train from Eiserne V.I.R.U.S will be available for supporters to travel to Freiburg. Tickets for the train are sold out.

Here are the departure times for the train:

  • Special Train to Freiburg:

Journey am 07.05.2022

Berlin-Lichtenberg: Departure 00:01 Gleis 16

Freiburg Hauptbahnhof: Arrival 12:45 Gleis 3

Return on 07.05.2022

Freiburg Hauptbahnhof: Departure 18:47 Gleis 3

Berlin-Lichtenberg: Arrival at 07:06 Gleis 25 

Access to the platform is granted only in conjunction with a ticket. Glass bottles, glasses, barrels or pallets are not allowed.

Please note that smoking is only permitted in the party car. Many carriages are now equipped with smoke detectors.