Special train to Frankfurt
Journey Planned:
The fan club Eiserne V.I.R.U.S. e.V. will put on a special train service for the away Bundesliga match at Eintracht Frankfurt on Monday February 24.
Here is the following train information, but please note it is subject to changes:
- Special Train to Frankfurt:
Departure on 24.02.2020
Berlin-Lichtenberg: Departure 10:55 Platform 16
Frankfurt (Main) Stadium: Arrival 18:20 Uhr Platform 501
Return on 24./25.02.2020
Frankfurt (Main) Stadium: Departure at 23:26 Platform 501
Berlin-Lichtenberg: Arrival at 06:04 (on 25.02.) Platform 20
Access to the platform will only be granted with a valid ticket. Glass bottles, glasses, kegs or pallets will not be permitted on the train.
More information can be found here.