
Stadium Regulations

The stadium regulations are intended to promote an environment in which visitors feel safe and treated appropriately before, during and after an event. No one else should be harmed, endangered or - more than is avoidable under the circumstances - hindered or inconvenienced.

§8 Sound and Video Recordings

(1) Visitors to events in the An der Alten Försterei stadium grant to the respective event organizer an irrevocable, perpetual and worldwide permission and right to make sound and video recordings without being obligated to pay remuneration. The sound and video recordings may also be created, reproduced and transmitted by third parties and can be exploited in current and future forms of media.

§9 Infringements

(1)    With the purchase of an entrance ticket or other access authorization, the visitor recognizes the stadium rules and regulations of “An der Alten Försterei” Stadionbetriebs AG to be binding.

(2)    Visitors who are turned away or expelled have no claim to a refund of the entrance fee, if they either deliberately, or through negligence, infringe the stadium rules and regulations. Likewise, people who apparently appear to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not entitled to claim a reimbursement.

(3)    People who intentionally or negligently violate the stadium rules and regulations during the course of an event can be expressly banned locally or nationally from stadiums within the Federal Republic of Germany, subject to proportionality.

(4)    A criminal complaint may be lodged and a demand for prosecution may be filed against visitors who commit a criminal offence or misdemeanour within the grounds of the stadium.

(5)    If claims for damages and/or financial penalties are brought against the stadium operating company or the respective event organizer, by a third-party as a result of the disorderly conduct of the visitor, action will be taken to redress these claims by way of recovery.

(6)    Illegally carried items will be safeguarded for as long as necessary for a criminal investigation. Otherwise the visitor who brought the illegally carried item has the choice to either leave the stadium with the item, or to renounce ownership of the item and hand it over to the security staff and stewards for destruction. In the latter case, a claim for the return of the item will fail.

(7)   The rights of “An der Alten Försterei” Stadionbetriebs AG to determine who shall be allowed or denied access remain unaffected.

§10 Final Provisions

(1) The stadium rules and regulations enter into force on 01/07/2009.
(2) The stadium rules and regulations can be amended by the operator at any time and without giving any reason. Each new issue (version) of the stadium rules and regulations automatically replaces the previous issue which then becomes annulled.